Oakdale Pediatric Children’s Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Special Education and Children’s Programs

Occupational Therapy in Oakdale MN
Family Achievement Center (FAC) Occupational Therapists evaluate and treat fine motor, visual motor and sensory motor processing difficulties that impact functional skills such as self-care, academic/pre-academic, and social activities in children, teens, and adults.

Our Occupational Therapists at Family Achievement Center (FAC) strive to Provide Hope and Improve Lives by working together as part of your team to design a holistic therapy approach that fits the individual needs of each client. We work collaboratively with families/caregivers and professionals from other disciplines to provide education, training, and empowerment for your child.

Family Achievement Center (FAC) Physical Therapists use a variety of techniques to evaluate and treat gross motor, mobility, strength, balance and coordination difficulties that impact functional skills in children, teens, and adults.

FAC Physical therapists also evaluate and treat individuals with musculoskeletal pain and injuries and post-surgical patients.

Our Physical Therapists at Family Achievement Center (FAC) strive to Provide Hope and Improve Lives by working together as part of your team to design a holistic therapy approach that fits the individual needs of each client. We work collaboratively with families/caregivers and professionals from other disciplines to provide education, training, and empowerment on how to help your child.

Speech Therapy in Oakdale MN
Family Achievement Center (FAC) Speech-Language Pathologists use a variety of techniques to evaluate and treat speech, language, fluency, and feeding/swallowing disorders in children, teens, and adults.

Our Speech-Language Pathologists at Family Achievement Center (FAC) strive to Provide Hope and Improve Lives by working together as part of your team to design a holistic therapy approach that fits the individual needs of each client. We work collaboratively with families/caregivers and professionals from other disciplines to provide education, training, and empowerment for your child.

Specialty Programs in Oakdale MN
Family Achievement Center provides many Specialty Treatment Programs such as:

• Integrated Listening System: This program involves listening to filtered music through specialized headphones through air & bone conduction.
• Interactive Metronome® (IM): This program challenges the patient to synchronize a range of hand and foot motor exercises to a precise computer-generated reference tone heard through headphones.
• Therapeutic Listening®(TL): This program involves using specially modulated music through headphones to activate both the auditory and vestibular (balance) systems simultaneously to set up the nervous system to prepare it for emerging skills. This is a home-based treatment program delivered under the guidance of a trained therapist.
• Safe & Sound Protocol: The SSP was developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, a psychologist, after nearly 40 years of research on the role of the autonomic nervous system in emotional regulation.
• Berard Auditory Integrative Training © (AIT): This program involves listening to modified music through specialized equipment to improve auditory hypersensitivity, distortions, and delays in the signals that interfere with an individual’s ability to process auditory information normally. This is an in-clinic strategy delivered by a trained therapist.
• QuickShifts®: This approach involves listening to modified music through specialized headphones in order to promote the development of specific skills such as sensory regulation, calming, bilateral coordination, fine and gross motor skills, and social interactions. This program can be used in conjunction with traditional therapy services.
• PROMPT©: This program is a multidimensional approach to address speech/articulation impairments using a physical-sensory aspect of motor performance, cognitive-linguistic, and social-emotional features. This is an in-clinic strategy provided by a trained therapist.
• Talk Tools®: This program uses a variety of tools (i.e. horns, bubbles, straws, etc) to provide specific physical feedback to the structures of the mouth in order to improve the coordination, stability and awareness of mouth structures such as the lips, jaw, tongue in order to improve the clarity of speech. This is used in conjunction with traditional speech therapy.
• Beckman Oral Motor ©: This program uses a specific pattern of stretches and exercises in order to strengthen and improve the coordination of the muscles of the jaw, lips, cheeks, and tongue.

Special Education / Contract Services in Oakdale MN
Get the Experienced Support you Need in Your School from a leader in Pediatric Therapy

In addition to our clinic services, Family Achievement Center has been providing therapy support to schools throughout the Twin Cities Metro.

• Extensive training with a range of diagnoses, including autism spectrum disorders.
• Flexible, on-site scheduling to meet your staffing needs.

Please contact Veronica at Family Achievement Center if you would like to learn more about our services: 651-738-9888.


    Looking for other ways to reach us?
    You can also call 651-738-9888 or email info@familyachievement.com

    Business Hours

    (Each location may vary, please call for more information)

    Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m   |   Friday: 7 a.m. to 2 p.m   |   Saturday: Limited Availability

    Need to cancel or reschedule your appointment? Email businessoffice@familyachievement.com.

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