What's New At Family Achievement Center?
Family Achievement Center's Trick-or-Treat

Family Achievement Center is hosting trick-or-treat events Friday, October 25th from 5:30-6:30 PM at our Bloomington location & Sunday, October 27th from 12:00 PM-1:00 PM at our Woodbury location! Family Achievement Center’s Trick-or-Treat is open house style & open to all. You don’t have to be a current patient to attend but all children must be accompanied by an adult. This event sensory & allergy friendly, as well as accessible! We will be collecting new socks and underwear for Socktober to be donated to Sharing & Caring Hands!
FAC Bloomington
900 West 94th St, Bloomington, MN 5542
Friday, October 25th
5:30-6:30 PM (sensory friendly hour from 4:30-5:30 PM)
FAC Woodbury
2101 Wooddale Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Sunday, October 27th
12:00-1:00 PM (sensory friendly hour from 11:00 AM-12:00 PM)
Annual Awards Day
Just as many children receive awards for their participation in sports and academic programs throughout the year, the staff of Family Achievement Center (FAC) believes that our clients deserve recognition for their ongoing hard work in their individual therapy programs. Each child who has participated in one or more of FAC’s therapy programs may qualify for a special award to be presented at Family Achievement Center’s Annual Awards Ceremony. FAC is about providing hope and improving lives for our clients and their families. The Awards Ceremony is one way that happens while recognizing and celebrating together, the milestones along the journey. Please see your child’s therapist for more information.
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